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Hovedgrupper (4 cifre) Hovedgrupper (6 cifre) Hovedgrupper (8 cifre)
H15 Preparatory courses
H1510 Folk high school courses
H151010 Folk- and youth folk high schools
H15101020 Youth folk high school courses
H15101030 Folk high school course, general
H15101040 Folk high school course, sports
H15101050 Folk high school course, disabled
H15101060 Folk high school course, others
H1520 Introductory and vocational courses
H152010 Cooking and textile courses
H15201010 Cooking course, general
H15201020 Cooking course, others
H15201030 Textile course
H152050 Other vocational courses
H15205010 Creative basic, graphic open education
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Age total
Under 20 years
20-24 years
25-29 years
30-34 years
35-39 years
40-44 years
45-49 years
50-54 years
55-59 years
60 year and over
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General and Grundtvigian Folk High Schools
Folk High Schools for Youths
Specialised Folk High Schools
Gymnastics- and Sports Folk High Schools
Lifestyle Folk High Schools
Christian- and Spiritual Folk High Schools
Independent prevocational schools
Folk High Schools for the Elderly
Not stated
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School year
Calender year
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Full-time equivalents