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The Nationalbanks official rates - Discount rate (Aug 1987-)
The Nationalbanks official rates - Current-account deposits (Aug 1987-)
The Nationalbanks official rates - Lending (Apr. 1992-)
The Nationalbanks official rates - Certificates of deposit (Apr. 1992-)
Inter-bank interest rates - Tomorrow/Next (Jan. 1997-Oct. 2015)
Turnover - Tomorrow/Next (May 2014-Oct. 2015)
Inter-bank interest rates - Uncollateralized, 3 months maturity (Jan. 1989-Sep. 2012)
Inter-bank interest rates - Collateralized, 3 months maturity (Jan. 1992-Sep. 2012)
Inter-bank interest rates - CIBOR, 7 days maturity (Apr 2005-Dec 2013)
Inter-bank interest rates - CIBOR, 14 days maturity (Apr 2005-Dec 2013)
Inter-bank interest rates - CIBOR, 1 month maturity (Jun 1988-Dec 2013)
Inter-bank interest rates - CIBOR, 2 months maturity (Jun 1988-Dec 2013)
Inter-bank interest rates - CIBOR, 3 months maturity (Jun 1988-Dec 2013)
Inter-bank interest rates - CIBOR, 4 months maturity (Jun 1988-Dec 2013)
Inter-bank interest rates - CIBOR, 5 months maturity (Jun 1988-Dec 2013)
Inter-bank interest rates - CIBOR, 6 months maturity (Jun 1988-Dec 2013)
Inter-bank interest rates - CIBOR, 7 months maturity (Apr 2005-Dec 2013)
Inter-bank interest rates - CIBOR, 8 months maturity (Apr 2005-Dec 2013)
Inter-bank interest rates - CIBOR, 9 months maturity (16 Oct 1995-Dec 2013)
Inter-bank interest rates - CIBOR, 10 months maturity (Apr 2005-Dec 2013)
Inter-bank interest rates - CIBOR, 11 months maturity (Apr 2005-Dec 2013)
Inter-bank interest rates - CIBOR, 12 months maturity (16 Oct 1995-Dec 2013)
Inter-bank interest rates - CITA, 1 month maturity (Jan 2013-Dec 2013)
Inter-bank interest rates - CITA, 2 months maturity (Jan 2013-Dec 2013)
Inter-bank interest rates - CITA, 3 months maturity (Jan 2013-Dec 2013)
Inter-bank interest rates - CITA, 6 months maturity (Jan 2013-Dec 2013)
Inter-bank interest rates - CITA, 9 months maturity (Jan 2013-Dec 2013)
Inter-bank interest rates - CITA, 12 months maturity (Jan 2013-Dec 2013)
Swap-fixing rates, 2 years maturity (Oct 2008-Dec 2013)
Swap-fixing rates, 3 years maturity (Oct 2008-Dec 2013)
Swap-fixing rates, 4 years maturity (Oct 2008-Dec 2013)
Swap-fixing rates, 5 years maturity (Oct 2008-Dec 2013)
Swap-fixing rates, 6 years maturity (Oct 2008-Dec 2013)
Swap-fixing rates, 7 years maturity (Oct 2008-Dec 2013)
Swap-fixing rates, 8 years maturity (Oct 2008-Dec 2013)
Swap-fixing rates, 9 years maturity (Oct 2008-Dec 2013)
Swap-fixing rates, 10 years maturity (Oct 2008-Dec 2013)
Bond yields - Central-government bonds (Bullet issues), 2 years maturity (Jan. 1987-nov. 2012)
Bond yields - Central-government bonds (Bullet issues), 5 years maturity (Jan. 1987-nov. 2012)
Bond yields - Central-government bonds (Bullet issues), 10 years maturity (Jan. 1987-nov. 2012)
Bond yields - Mortgage-credit bonds (Annuity loans), 10 years maturity (Jan. 1987-nov. 2012)
Bond yields - Mortgage-credit bonds (Annuity loans), 20 years maturity (Jan. 1987-nov. 2012)
Bond yields - Mortgage-credit bonds (Annuity loans), 30 years maturity (Jan. 1987-nov. 2012)
Bond yields - All central-government bonds and mortgage-credit bonds (Jan. 1987-nov. 2012)
Bond yields - Minimum coupon rate (Oct. 1985-jun. 2011 )
OMXC share price index (prev.KAX) (31 Dec.1995=100) (Jan 1996-Nov. 2012 )
OMXC20 share price index (prev. KFX) (3 July 1989=100) (Jan 1994-Nov. 2012 )
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DK: Denmark
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